TX Chinese-English-French Hottest Words(英法汉热榜词汇)

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CAF-CEF Hottest Words(Now 50% cut for 10 days) provides up-to-date words in English-French-Chinese with examples. Characterized by theirs novelty, accuracy and variety, these words and expressions coming from articles of the international well-known presses are meticulously selected and reviewed by linguists and professionals of media sector. They could help you to get news all over the world, and good for learners to the three languages. In short, the CAF-CEF is an excellent tool realized to serve netsurfers, interpreters, translators, self-educated persons and all which are interested in using English, French or Chinese,.
1. Daily hot new words;
2. Publication of every word in Chinese-English-French with examples in concrete contexts;
3. Possibility to review the 10 latest words;
4. Change the order of languages as you like.

All rights reserved.

N.B.: This software can only run on line.

 快 准 广

1. 每日更新最新热榜词汇;
2. 各词条均为中、英、法三语对照,且配有情景例句;
3. 能追溯查看最近时段10个热榜词汇;
4. 三种语言顺序可随意调整。

